Monday, 15 August 2011

Bicycle to health - Get rid of your flabby stomach

According to a new study, just five minutes of cycling a day can keep flabby tummies at bay. Read Sun's article about Alexandra Burke experience. Getting fit is just like riding a bicycle - she says.

Bicycle to health.

Bicycle around Iceland Rondje-ijsland

Maurice de Keijzer from the Netherlands will bicycle around Iceland 16-23 August to collect some money for KIKA - the foundation of Children with Cancer in the Netherlands.

Þórdís, Maurice's daughter age 3, died in 2009 from cancer.

If you would like to donate money to this great cause, or just to find out more about Around Iceland on a Bicycle Event - then visit

Iceland volcano

A study has found that it is unlikely that the UK will see another eruption within the next 56 years like the one in volcano Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland last year.

BBC reports on a study published in the journal Geology - Another giant ash cloud 'unlikely' in our lifetimes.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Auf zwei Rädern durch Reykjavik

"Für mich ist es immer etwas Besonders, eine Fahrradtour in meiner deutschen Muttersprache führen zu dürfen. Wenn die Gäste dann auch noch aus meiner Heimatstadt Nürnberg kommen, ist das natürlich das Tüpfelchen auf dem I", strahlt Ursula Spitzbart, Mitbegründerin von Reykjavik Bike Tours. Das junge Familienunternehmen bietet nun bereits das dritte Jahr geführte Fahrradtouren in und um Islands Landeshauptstadt an. Kurz vor dem Nürnberger Herbstvolksfestes hatte der Festwirt Peter Lössel, besser bekannt als "Gigerlas Lössel", eine private Fahrradtour gebucht. Nicht fehlen durfte bei der familienfreundlichen Fahrt auf zwei Rädern ein Stop an der bekannten Reykjaviker Würstchenbude "Bæjarins beztu", die Stadtbesten - wurde sie doch im gleichen Jahr, 1937, eröffnet wie die Imbissbude von Familie Lössel! Die "Eine mit allem" anstelle der in Nürnberg üblichen "Drei im Weckla" mundete allen Familienmitgliedern vorzüglich.
Paula (12), Peter, Ludwig (9) und Elisabeth Lössel.
"Auch die Kinder stufen deine Radtour auf der Beliebtheitsskala ganz oben ein!" resümieren die Nürnberger Islandbesucher am Ende ihres Urlaubes.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Gay Pride Reykjavik Iceland

Gay Pride in Reykjavik takes place 4-7 August this year. It is an amazing festival enjoyed by hundreds of gay and 50.000 non-gay people. 

The Gay Parade in Reykjavik takes place on Saturday and starts from the BSI long distance bus station for the first time. The reason why the parade does not start at the top of Laugavegur, Reykjavik's main shopping street, is because the procession has become too big and floats have become too many and too large for the small street.

Participants in the Gay Parade spend days, even weeks and months, preparing for the event. Dressed in colourful and often shiny and glittering outfits they dance to the music rhythm played on a mobile music system carried on several floats.

Gay Prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir, Prime minister in Iceland since May 2009 and the first openly gay Prime minister in the world, proposed a bill for same sex marriages in Iceland. The law took effect in 2010.

Reykjavik Bike Tours

More dedicated bicycle paths in Reykjavik

Reykjavik's major Jon Gnarr and city council promised in January 2010 to add significantly more bicycle paths in the city. Well, today - August 2011 - only 3 km have been or are about to be built. The ambitious plan was to build 20 km of dedicated bicycle paths in two years.

Aparently it is financing that is causing the delay. The money was supposed to be borrowed from the European Investment Bank.

Morgunbladid reports.

Reykjavik Bike Tour

Reykjavik Bike Tour
Click on the picture for information on bicycle tours in Iceland