Friday, 10 December 2010

World Champions in Bike Polo 2010

Discovered today something called bike polo. Never knew it existed before but according to Wikipedia the first game ever was played Ireland in 1891!

Following my research online I belive the current world champions are from Milwaukee in the USA who won the title at the Bike Polo World Chamionships in Berlin in August 2010. About 100 teams showed up for the event.

If you're interested in bike polo I suggest you check out these links:

Facebook - League of Polo
Hard court bike polo - media coverage
You tube videos from the World Championships in Bike Polo in Berlin 2010.

1 comment:

  1. hey there,
    I'll be in iceland for a short week at the end of the month, are there people playing bike polo up there?
    would be nice to meet some polo people !
    all the best from Brussels!


Reykjavik Bike Tour

Reykjavik Bike Tour
Click on the picture for information on bicycle tours in Iceland