Saturday, 2 June 2012

Hjólað í vinnuna - Bicycle to Work 2012

Hjólað í vinnuna, or Bicycle to Work, is an annual bicycle event in Iceland. The aim is to get people to bicycle to work. The event is promoted in the spring, probably with the purpose that those who start cycling to work in spring, may continue all summer and perhaps all winter too. Some 666 workplaces took part this year and the total distance covered in 13 days was 741.450 km. About 133 tons of Co2 emissions was not added to our athmosphere and 55.597 liters of fuel which would have cost about 116 thousand US dollars. The winner this year was the Family- and Domestic Animal Zoo. The highest average per participant over the 13 days was Meistararnir (The Champions), who cycled 804,7 km on the average. More information here:

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Reykjavik Bike Tour

Reykjavik Bike Tour
Click on the picture for information on bicycle tours in Iceland